My Little Sister (Сестрёнка)
German title: Jamils Schwester
Francaise title: Petite soeur
Russian title: Сестрёнка
Original title: Сестрёнка
Alternative titles:
Sestrenka | Сестренка
Drama – Russia
Production year: 2018
Movie length: 90 minutes
Director: Aleksandr Galibin (Александр Галибин),
Writer: Aidar Akmanov (Айдар Акманов),
Cinematograph: Mikhail Agranovich (Михаил Агранович),
Music: Ilya Dukhovnyy (Илья Духовный),
Movie description:
As far back as Yamil can remember, the war was always. But Yamil is waiting for its end, because then his Father, known to the boy only through photos and letters, will be back home. One day his Mother goes to a distant city and brings a silent girl Oksana. Mother also brings his Father’s order to take care of Oksana as if she were his sister.
Boy Actors
Arslan Krymtschurin(Yamil, 6 years old)
Year of birth: 2012
Age of the actor:
approximately 6 years old
Year of birth: 2008
Age of the actor:
approximately 10 years old
More informations
This film was registered by Heiner into the movie list!
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