Funky Monkey
German title: Funky Monkey – Ein Affe in geheimer Mission
Francaise title: Le singe funky
Russian title: Волосатая история
Original title: Funky Monkey
Alternative titles:
Hairy Tale
Comedy – USA, Germany
Production year: 2002
Movie length: 94 minutes
Movie description:
When former American football player and CIA-martial arts instructor Alec McCall finds out the dodgy firm Z.I.T. he’s been giving martial arts training to chimpanzee Clemens for is going to abuse him (and other test animals), he steals him and disappears south, where they meet Michael Dean, an exceptionally intelligent schoolboy who just accepted tutoring the football jocks for the team uniform he hopes to impress girls with. Gratefull he and his ma took them in after a mate failed to get Clemens into a zoo there, McCall takes the fatherless kid under his wing. When Michaels ma helps Alec decipher the ZIT-files he grabbed on his way out and the firms goons send to retrieve the chimp track him down, a grim fight becomes inevitable.
Boy Actors
Seth Adkins(Michael Dean)
Birthday: 30.10.1989
Age of the actor:
approximately 12 years old
More informations
This film was registered by Heiner into the movie list!
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