Original title: Rondo
War drama – Belgium, France
Production year: 2009
Movie length: 105 minutes
Director: Olivier van Malderghem
Writer: Olivier van Malderghem
Cinematograph: Pierre Gordower
Music: Aleksei AÑ—gi
Movie description:
Belgium, 1942. The situation is becoming unbearable for the Miller family; antisemitic persecutions become common and violent. Joseph Miller, the father, rebels against the occupying army. He is arrested and deported. Esther, his wife, decides to enter the clandestinity. She gives her older son to look after with Abraham, her father-in-law. He knows an escape network to England and there is still room for one person.
Brussels, in the summer of 1942. Simon watches in horror as his father is arrested and deported by the Nazis. He flees to England where he meets up with his grandfather, Abraham, a distant and austere old man who offers him little comfort. It appears that the two men have nothing in common. Abraham is devoted to the traditions of his Jewish faith and scorns Simon’s secular education. When the horrors of the Holocaust are revealed to them, it is Simon who allows his grandfather to come to terms with an unbearable reality...
1945. 16 year-old Simon returns to Brussels. He finds out that his mother back, also his siblings Esther, Hannah and Benjamin. The joy of meeting his family again is affected by the absence of Joseph, their father. He was deported in 1942 and didn’t come back...
Boy Actors
Julien Frison(Simon Miller)
Birthday: 18.07.1993
Age of the actor:
approximately 16 years old
Birthday: 10.04.1998
Age of the actor:
approximately 11 years old
More informations
This film was registered by Franz-Josef into the movie list!
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