Young Bodies Heal Quickly
Russian title: Молодые тела исцеляются быстро
Original title: Young Bodies Heal Quickly
Family drama – USA
Production year: 2013
Movie length: 102 minutes
Director: Andrew T. Betzer
Writer: Andrew T. Betzer
Cinematograph: Sean Price Williams
Movie description:
Two brothers are fleeing arrest for the »accidental« killing of a young girl. Their destination is their estranged father's desolate compound on the sea shore.
Two brothers drift aimlessly through their summer days, trashing abandoned cars and playing with paintball guns, until the accidental death of a young woman forces them to make drastic decisions. With few options, the duo flees across state lines to dodge arrest and search for refuge.
At the age twenty, »Older« escapes incarceration and seeks out his ten year old little brother, »Younger«. Clearly the bad influence, Older gets the boys mixed up in the »accidental« killing of a young girl and they are forced to go into hiding as they wait for their mother to rescue them. Thanks to their mother, the brothers now have a car and enough money to begin their bizarre road trip. Along the way, they encounter a host of people ranging from their unwelcoming sister to a troubled maid and her violent lover. Eventually, they wind up on the doorstep of their father's compound, wherein the three of them are quickly reminded why they are estranged in the first place. Just as the walls are about to close in, their father packs up his brood and takes them on a road trip of his own. They join several militaria enthusiasts in a remote forest where they re-enact actual Vietnam War battles. Once in the »jungle«, the three of them revert to hostile tendencies building up to a final confrontation between father and sons, leaving the audience to decide what is real and what is make believe.
Boy Actors
Hale Lytle(Younger, 10 years old)
Birthday: 19.07.2001
Age of the actor:
approximately 12 years old
More informations
This film was registered by Franz-Josef into the movie list!
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