Darkness Falls
German title: Der Fluch von Darkness Falls
Francaise title: Nuits de terreur
Spain title: En la oscuridad
Greek title: Φόβος στο σκοτάδι
Russian title: Темнота наступает
Original title: Darkness Falls
Alternative titles:
Don’t Peek – The Tooth Fairy: The Ghost of Matilda Dixon | Die Legende von Darkness Falls | En la oscuridad de la noche | Darkness falls: La ville des ténèbres | Fovos sto skotadi | Φοβος στο σκοταδι
Horror movie – USA, Australia
Production year: 2002
Movie length: 86 minutes
Director: Jonathan Liebesman
Writer: Joe Harris, John Fasano, James Vanderbilt
Cinematograph: Dan Laustsen
Music: Brian Tyler
Movie description:
In the 1800’s there was a woman that little children would take their old teeth (ones they had recently lost) to in exchange for a gold coin. A few years later, tragedy struck her, first a fire in her house which caused her to not be able to go into any type of light, and then she was hanged. There’s a story that goes around the town of Darkness Falls about her, and she’s called the Tooth Fairy. The story goes that she can’t go in the light, and if you wake up and see her, she’ll kill you. The usual saying is »Don’t Peek«. Well, there is a boy named Kyle who gets a warning from his friend Caitlin to not peek. Well, he wakes up on the night when the Tooth Fairy is supposed to come and get his last tooth and sees her. It all leads to more tragedy and the movie jumps to 12 years later. Now grown up, Caitlin calls Kyle because her little brother Michael is going through the same things he did as a boy, and wants his help. Kyle goes back to Darkness Falls to face his past, and the woman in the porceline mask (aka the Tooth Fairy).
Boy Actors
Lee Cormie(Michael Greene)
Birthday: 08.02.1992
Age of the actor:
approximately 10 years old
Daniel Daperis(junger Larry Fleishman)
Year of birth: 1988
Age of the actor:
approximately 14 years old
More informations
This film was registered by Heiner into the movie list!
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