We Can Be Heroes! (Bäst i Sverige!)
German title: Zwei kleine Helden
Russian title: Мы можем быть героями
Original title: Bäst i Sverige!
Alternative titles:
2 kleine Helden | Marcello & Fatima
Youth movie – Sweden
Production year: 2002
Movie length: 88 minutes
Director: Ulf Malmros
Writer: Peter Birro
Cinematograph: Mats Olofsson
Music: Johan Söderqvist
Movie description:
A boy is lacking in confidence and thinking, he is the most worthless human being in the world. He convinces himself to be the world champion in long distance urinating, but is tortured by three boys in his class. His father forces him to play soccer (football). He doesn’t like it, but doesn’t have the heart to say it. He begins a friendship with a Turkish girl, and all the other kids tease him for it. The dumb, older brothers of the girl threatens him with a beating. As his enemies tries to beat him, the girl helps, but rips the jacket of the blond boy. This boy wants money from the girl, or he would torment her sick father in his wheelchair. Her friend works and gives the earned money to his enemy. And he learns what he really want – to fly! Despite his vertigo!
He is telling the girl in her room, as the brothers comes in,so he pulls girl-clothes on to fool him. The girl confesses that she wants to play football. They decides, that she should play, then he would fly. With a clever trick he gets to the hanglider his enemy bought with the money he had given him for the jacket, and finally she plays a good game in soccer, and he overcomes his vertigo – and flies from the roof of his house, and, at last, his dad is proud of him: ëThis is MY son, he is flying!ëBoy Actors
Ariel Petsonk(Marcello, 10 years old)
Birthday: 28.08.1990
Age of the actor:
approximately 11 years old
Birthday: 07.01.1989
Age of the actor:
approximately 13 years old
Birthday: 24.03.1987
Age of the actor:
approximately 15 years old
More informations
Kommentare zum Film
Diesen Film empfinde ich als verhängnisvolle Mischung von Realität und Fiktion. Besonders schlimm ist diese merkwürdige Jesusfigur mit deren Hilfe es plötzlich Geld von der Decke regelt, wo doch der Film sonst zu 98 Prozent eher realitätsnah ist. Es besteht immerhin die Gefahr, daß Kommunionkinder nach Ansehen dieses Werkes mit selbstgebastelten Drachen von Dächern fliegen wollen. Schon ein verletztes Kind wäre aber zuviel!
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