Magic in the Water
German title: Geliebtes Monster – Mein Freund aus dem See
Francaise title: Le lac magique / Orky
Spain title: Magia en el agua
Greek title: Το μυστικό της λίμνης
Russian title: Волшебное Озеро
Original title: Magic in the Water
Alternative titles:
Magic in the Water / Glenorky / Le lac magique / Magic Orky – Mein Freund, das Monster / To mystiko tis limnis
Youth movie – USA, Canada
Production year: 1995
Movie length: 97 minutes
Director: Rick Stevenson
Writer: Rick Stevenson, Icel Dobell Massey, Ninian Dunet
Cinematograph: Thomas Burstyn
Music: David Schwartz
Movie description:
Radio psychologist Jack Black takes his children Joshua and Ashley on a vacation to a lake in British Columbia. While he grinds away at work the children discover that the famous local lake monster Orky may not be just a gimmick to attract tourists after all. In fact, Orky may enable them to get closer to their workaholic dad, and help stop local polluters who are dumping toxic waste into Orky’s home.
Boy Actors
Joshua Jackson(Joshua Black)
Birthday: 11.06.1978
Age of the actor:
approximately 17 years old
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