Bear On the Run (Hurá na medveda)
German title: Der Bär ist los!
Original title: Hurá na medveda
Alternative titles:
Hurá na medveda | Da tanzt der Bär | Der Bär ist los
Youth movie – Germany, Czech Republic, Italy
Production year: 1999
Movie length: 92 minutes
Director: Dana Vávrová
Writer: Christoph Stark, Jochen Bitzer, Dana Vávrová
Cinematograph: Peter von Haller
Music: Petr Hapka
Movie description:
»Circus is mega out.« That’s what you think! Because it’s thanks to the circus that a bear is on the loose in the Bohemian Forest. Julia, a city kid from Berlin, is spending her summer holidays there. But instead of just playing around, or trying to reach the next level on her Game-Boy, she and Tom – the young animal trainer from a bankrupt circus – and other kids from the village try to save a good-natured dancing bear from slaughter. The kids need all their wits about them and plenty of good ideas, as a rich investor – obsessed with hunting – would love to take a pot shot at the bear. And that would help the ailing village, too. But things turn out quite differently.Boy Actors
Max Riemelt(Tom, 15 years old)
Birthday: 07.01.1984
Age of the actor:
approximately 15 years old
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