Peter Pan
Russian title: Питер Пэн
Original title: Peter Pan
Alternative titles:
Peter Pan oder Das Märchen vom Jungen, der nicht groß werden wollte
Fantasy adventure – FRG
Production year: 1962
Movie length: 112 minutes
Director: Paul Verhoeven
Writer: James Matthew Barrie, Paul Verhoeven, Erich Kästner
Cinematograph: Kurt Gewissen, Hermann Gruber, Gernot Roll
Music: Otto Erich Schilling (Otto-Erich Schilling)
Peter Pan
Movie description:
Original-DVD According to several sources, Michael Ande was said to be the actor playing Peter Pan here under the pseudonym Fernando Möller. But that is obviously false information, Ande wasn’t involved in this production.
Boy Actors
Thomas Koesters
(John Darling)
Sascha Hehn
(Michael Darling)
Birthday: 11.10.1954

Age of the actor:
approximately 7 years old
Pierre Franckh
(Bißchen Schmutzig)
Birthday: 01.05.1953

Age of the actor:
approximately 9 years old
Manfred Rummel
Heinz Marzahn
Thomas Brander
Harald Singer
Detleff Singer
Fernando Möller
(Peter Pan)
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