Lippel’s Dream (Lippels Traum)
Francaise title: La reve de Lippel
Russian title: Мечта Липпеля
Original title: Lippels Traum
Adventure movie – Germany
Production year: 2008
Movie length: 101 minutes
Director: Lars Büchel
Writer: Ulrich Limmer, Paul Maar
Cinematograph: Jana Marsik
Music: Konstantin Wecker
Movie description:
The children’s film Lippels Traum (»Lippel’s Dream«) is the adaptation of the popular Paul Maar children’s novel. Bleibtreu will again play a father, but this time one whose job involves chopping only already-dead meat, as a star cook whose son Lippel is left in the care of a nasty nanny when he is away on a business trip, forcing him into an oriental dreamworld of his own.
Boy Actors
Alexander Seidel(Philipp »Lippel« Mattenheim, 11 years old)
Year of birth: 1995
Age of the actor:
approximately 12 years old
Year of birth: 1995
Age of the actor:
approximately 13 years old
Marius Weingarten(Hermann, Wirtssohn)
Year of birth: 1994
Age of the actor:
approximately 14 years old
Year of birth: 1994
Age of the actor:
approximately 14 years old
More informations
This film was registered by Franz-Josef into the movie list!
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