Folge 4, Staffel 1, Episode 4
SciANTs Fair
German title: Chyna, der Serienfreak
Original title: SciANTs Fair
Comedy series – USA
Production year: 2010
Movie length: 30 minutes
Director: Phill Lewis
Writer: Megan Amram
Cinematograph: Alan Keath Walker
Music: Kenneth Burgomaster
Movie description:
Chyna stays up all night watching a show instead of studying for a test, but gets a good grade anyway. Feeling that something fishy is going on, she gets help from Olive to prove that the school is treating the ANTs differently. Meanwhile, Cameron and Lexi find Skidmore’s phone in the trash and decide to keep it so they can get a reward.
Boy Actors
Jake Short(Fletcher Quimby, 11 years old)
Birthday: 30.05.1997
Age of the actor:
approximately 13 years old
More informations
This film was registered by Heiner into the movie list!
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