Folge 5, Staffel 1, Episode 5
StudANT Council
German title: Das Wahldebakel
Original title: StudANT Council
Comedy series – USA
Production year: 2010
Movie length: 30 minutes
Director: Bob Koherr
Writer: Dan Signer, Jeff Hodsden, Tim Pollock
Cinematograph: Alan Keath Walker
Music: Kenneth Burgomaster
Movie description:
Olive tells Chyna she should run for A.N.T. Representative and she does. However, Chyna soon learns that the A.N.T. Rep has to do lots of tedious work and that Olive tricked her into running for the position. In order to get even, Chyna throws Olive’s name into the running as well. Meanwhile, Fletcher hangs out with Chyna’s dad in order to get on his good side.
Boy Actors
Jake Short(Fletcher Quimby, 11 years old)
Birthday: 30.05.1997
Age of the actor:
approximately 13 years old
More informations
This film was registered by Heiner into the movie list!
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