Folge 9, Staffel 1, Episode 9
I Said, Upside Down
German title: Verkehrte Welt
Original title: I Said, Upside Down
Comedy series – USA
Production year: 2013
Movie length: 23 minutes
Director: Leonardo Galavis, Arturo Manuitt
Writer: Sergio Jablon, Catharina Ledeboer, Gloria Shen
Movie description:
Now that Maddie has the Hexoren she is more powerful than ever. Julio tells Diego the truth about his strange powers. Daniel finally tells Emma that he wants to go out with her.
Boy Actors
Birthday: 24.10.1997
Age of the actor:
approximately 15 years old
Birthday: 30.01.1999
Age of the actor:
approximately 14 years old
Birthday: 20.09.2005
Age of the actor:
approximately 7 years old
Louis Tomeo(Robert »Rob« Miller)
Birthday: 24.02.2002
Age of the actor:
approximately 11 years old
More informations
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