Folge 50, Staffel 3, Episode 4
Breaking All the Rules
German title: Gegen jede Regel
Original title: Breaking All the Rules
Comedy series – USA
Production year: 2014
Movie length: 23 minutes
Director: Clayton Boen
Writer: Catharina Ledeboer, Gloria Shen
Movie description:
Emma and Andi try to break into the Magic Realm. Maddie and Diego want to repair witch/Kanay relationships (starting with Ursula) and Mia causes all kinds of trouble.
Boy Actors
Birthday: 20.09.2005
Age of the actor:
approximately 8 years old
Louis Tomeo(Robert »Rob« Miller)
Birthday: 24.02.2002
Age of the actor:
approximately 12 years old
More informations
This film was registered by Heiner into the movie list!
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