Folge 18, Staffel 1, Episode 17
Rise of the Hydraclops / O Is Not for Old
German title: Der Hydroklops erhebt sich / O heißt nicht alt
Original title: Rise of the Hydraclops / O Is Not for Old
Alternative titles:
Der Hydrokops erhebt sich / O heißt nicht alt
Youth series – USA, Kanada
Production year: 2014
Movie length: 22 minutes
Director: J. J. Johnson, John May, Craig David Wallace
Writer: Alex Fox, Ron Holsey, Rachel Lewis, Guy Toubes, Julie Sherman Wolfe
Music: Paul Buckley
Movie description:
In order to save humanity, Olive and Otto must locate a treasure chest that Oscar buried. The agents throw a surprise party for Ms. O.
Boy Actors
Jack Fulton(Agent O'Malley)
Birthday: 12.01.2006
Age of the actor:
approximately 8 years old
More informations
This film was registered by Heiner into the movie list!
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