Folge 5, Staffel 1, Episode 5
Garbage Band
German title: Eine Band für Shania
Original title: Garbage Band
Fantasy series – USA
Production year: 2013
Movie length: 25 minutes
Director: J. J. Johnson
Writer: J. J. Johnson, Christin Simms, Amanda Spagnolo
Cinematograph: George Lajtai
Music: Michael Ella
Movie description:
Shania wants to form a garage band with her brothers but they’re not very interested (or very good). Meanwhile at the junkyard, Anne and Nick work on upgrades to the security system. When they put Shania in charge of android-sitting, she finds out they have hidden musical talents and together they create a Garbage Band.
Boy Actors
Birthday: 16.10.1999
Age of the actor:
approximately 13 years old
More informations
This film was registered by Heiner into the movie list!
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