Folge 13, Staffel 1, Episode 13
Welcome Back, Jim Gordon
German title: Willkommen zurück, Jim Gordon!
Original title: Welcome Back, Jim Gordon
Action series – USA
Production year: 2014
Movie length: 40 minutes
Director: Wendey Stanzler
Writer: Bruno Heller, Megan Mostyn-Brown
Cinematograph: Thomas Yatsko
Music: Graeme Revell, David E. Russo
Movie description:
When the key witness in a homicide ends up dead while being held for questioning by the police, Gordon suspects an inside job and looks to an old friend for information.
Boy Actors
David Mazouz(Bruce Wayne)
Birthday: 19.02.2001
Age of the actor:
approximately 13 years old
More informations
This film was registered by Heiner into the movie list!
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