Das total verrückte Wunderauto
Título original: Das total verrückte Wunderauto
Título alternativas:
Charly 2 – Mit Vollgas ins Abenteuer / Charlie II
Fantasykomödie – Deutschland
Año de producción: 2005
Duración: 92 minutos
Dirección: Michael Karen
Guionista: Daniel Maximilian, Thomas Pauli
Fotografía: Stephan Schuh
Música: Siggi Mueller
Felix Bender is an eleven year old orphan and lives with loveless foster parents. For five years he has been waiting for his older brother to pick him up but his hopes reduce with each passing year. On his eleventh birhtday Felix gets a laptop from the only person who cares about him, his neighbour Rasmus. He hopes that Felix would be able to get in contact with his brother over the internet but during the first connection a small accident happens. A mouse runs over the keyboard and accidentally makes the laptop download a program that awakens an old car and gives that car a soul. Soon the boy and his car are being hunted by the owners of the program, who want to get it back and destroy the car.
Chicos actores
Fecha de nacimiento: 19.12.1993
Edad del actor:
sobre 11 año
Nikita Wokurka(Felix Bender, 11 año)
Fecha de nacimiento: 03.09.1993
Edad del actor:
sobre 11 año
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