Underdog Kids
Rusia título: Лучшие из худших
Título original: Underdog Kids
Título alternativas:
Underdogs | Неудачники
Actionfilm – Estados Unidos de América
Año de producción: 2014
Duración: 94 minutos
Dirección: Phillip Rhee
Guionista: Phillip Rhee
Fotografía: Aaron Meister
Música: Arturo Sandoval
Underdog Kids
Inner city kids from a poor neighborhood go up against the undefeated Beverly Hills Junior National Karate Team.

Jimmy »The Lightning Bolt« Lee is a former mixed martial arts champion who returns home and is asked by his father figure, Charlie, to teach a group of inner city kids martial arts in preparation for a tournament. The reigning junior national champions, the Beverly Hills Scorpions, are coached by the very cocky and arrogant Ted Barret, who is a former rival of Jimmy's. With help from local food truck vendor Big Mama, Jimmy's team becomes the Underdogs. As the Underdogs prepare for the big tournament, both the kids and Jimmy learn some lessons from each other that will make their bond stronger as they prepare for a showdown with the Scorpions.
Chicos actores
Cade Sutton
(Raymond Butz)
Nicolas Bechtel
(Sean Michaels)
Fecha de nacimiento: 15.02.2005

Edad del actor:
sobre 9 año
Lorenz Arnell
(Rasheed Shabazz)
Aidan Considine
(Alex Michaels)
Andrew Franklin
(Ricky Perez)
Sean Rhee
Tyler Weaver Jr.
(Cameron Hershfeld)
Seth Lee
Fecha de nacimiento: 17.01.2003

Edad del actor:
sobre 11 año
Dallas James Liu
(junger Jimmy)
Itay Zander
(junger Barret)
Jaron Adams
(Rowdy im Badezimmer)
Christopher Craven
(Schüler der Mittelstufe)
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