Una moneda con aureola (Dime with a Halo)
Alemania título: Die Strolche von Mexiko
Francés título: L’offrande
Título original: Dime with a Halo
Tragikomödie – Estados Unidos de América
Año de producción: 1962
Duración: 94 minutos
Dirección: Boris Sagal
Guionista: László Vadnay, Hans Wilhelm
Film about five Mexican street urchins, with the oldest of them Jose talking them into stealing a dime from the church’s collection box to bet on a horse, with the winnings they buy a sweepstakes ticket and encounter a problem in cashing in the winning ticket because they are too young.
Five kids in Tijuana spend all their time out of school and on the streets hustling, ignored by the local cops. Each has an angle, whether it’s watching cars, shining shoes, selling »French perfume« or »Genuine stolen Swiss watches«. Their parents are never seen, written off as untrustworthy, abusive, or in jail. Their only aim is to make two bucks each week to bet on a six-horse spread with the help of a regular weekend visitor from LA known to them only as »Mr Jones«. After hearing a sermon about how Jesus should be your »partner«, the leader of the gang (a world-wise 13 year old who remarks »Sex is when you want every girl, love is when you want one«) decides to cut The Saviour in on the action by stealing a dime from the poorbox.
In the hope of winning a fortune, five Tijuana street urchins pool their meagre earnings each week in order to buy a $2 ticket at the Caliente racetrack. Friendly American Mr. Jones places their bets, although he disapproves of their selections. After losing for 11 consecutive weeks, the boys decide to make Jesus a partner in their venture. They steal a dime from the church poor box, add it to their cash, place their bet, and win $81,513. But they cannot find Mr. Jones, and they refuse to trust any other adult to cash the ticket for them. Juanita, the sister of one of the boys, contacts Jones in Los Angeles, and he promises to drive down the next day. But as he approaches the pay window he suffers a fatal heart attack, and the ticket blows off into a pile of rubbish. After a futile search for the lost ticket, the five boys return to the church and replace the dime they had »borrowed« from the poor box.
Chicos actores
Roger Mobley(Jose, 13 año)
Fecha de nacimiento: 16.01.1949
Edad del actor:
sobre 13 año
Fecha de nacimiento: 13.05.1956
Fecha de la muerte: 29.01.2008
Edad del actor:
sobre 6 año
Fecha de nacimiento: 05.03.1955
Edad del actor:
sobre 7 año
Fecha de nacimiento: 30.03.1952
Edad del actor:
sobre 10 año
Más información
Esta película fue grabada por Franz-Josef en la lista de película!
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