Bibi, la pequeña bruja (Bibi Blocksberg)
Francés título: Bibi Blocksberg, l’apprentie sorcière
Rusia título: Биби – маленькая волшебница
Título original: Bibi Blocksberg
Kinderfilm – Alemania
Año de producción: 2001
Duración: 106 minutos
Dirección: Hermine Huntgeburth
Guionista: Elfie Donnelly
Música: Biber Gollatz, Moritz Freise
Young Bibi Blocksberg’s spontaneous outburst of witchcraft caused a sudden rainstorm and saved two children from a fiery death. Mother Barbara, a witch to the very core, is as proud of her daughter as any mother could be. But overworked, and stressed out, father Bernhard is less than impressed by his offspring’s supernatural escapades. Bibi then receives news from Chief Witch Walpurgia that for her services above and beyond the call of duty she’s been awarded the Crystal Ball, which will make her a full-fledged witch. Proudly, Bibi flies on her broomstick to the Blocksberg mountain. But Rabia, a particularly mean and nasty witch, is unwilling to see Bibi gain the honors and swears not to rest until she has relieved Bibi of the precious jewel.
Chicos actores
Fecha de nacimiento: 15.05.1989
Edad del actor:
sobre 12 año
Fecha de nacimiento: 18.03.1989
Edad del actor:
sobre 12 año
Fecha de nacimiento: 09.05.1988
Edad del actor:
sobre 13 año
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