The Shaggy D.A.
Alemania título: Zotti, das Urviech
Título alternativas:
The Shaggy D.A.
Fantasykomödie – Estados Unidos de América
Año de producción: 1976
Duración: 105 minutos
With his family’s happy support, Wilby Daniels decides to try and get elected District Attorney in place of dishonest John Slade. But then robbers steal the magic Borgia ring that made things a bit difficult for Wilby as a lad. Once again he keeps turning into a large woolly dog at awkward moments. Unless he can get the ring back his chances of winning the election don’t look good, as mean old Slade soon realises too.
Chicos actores
Shane Sinutko(Brian Daniels, 10 año)
Fecha de nacimiento: 16.03.1965
Edad del actor:
sobre 11 año
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