Folge 22, Staffel 1, Episode 22
Alemania título: Künstler, Punker, coole Typen
Título original: PerformANTs
Comedyserie – Estados Unidos de América
Año de producción: 2010
Duración: 30 minutos
Música: Kenneth Burgomaster
Chyna, Olive, Fletcher, and Angus want to go to an upcoming concert with older kids, but they know Chyna’s mom will never let them go. In order to convince her, they pretend they’re going to see a kid’s band, which backfires when she decides to tag along. Meanwhile, Cameron tries to get backstage at the concert.
Chicos actores
Jake Short(Fletcher Quimby, 11 año)
Fecha de nacimiento: 30.05.1997
Edad del actor:
sobre 13 año
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