Folge 64, Staffel 3, Episode 20
Alemania título: Sei mit uns, sprach die gute Hexe von Oz
Título original: Kansas
Fantasyserie – Estados Unidos de América
Año de producción: 2013
Duración: 45 minutos
Dirección: Gwyneth Horder-Payton
Guionista: Edward Kitsis, Adam Horowitz, Andrew Chambliss, Kalinda Vazquez
Fotografía: Stephen Jackson
Música: Mark Isham
All of the residents of Storybrooke try to make sure Zelena doesn’t get Snow’s newborn baby, which is very close to arriving, because Zelena plans to use the baby to travel back in time and rewrite her destiny, while obliterating Regina from existence. In the past of the land of Oz, Glinda tries to convince Zelena to fight the evil within her, and to join her and her sisters, the other good witches who protect Oz. Additionally, a young girl from Kansas is introduced who threatens to be Zelena’s undoing, and ultimately factors into Zelena’s final decision.
Chicos actores
Fecha de nacimiento: 30.05.2000
Edad del actor:
sobre 13 año
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