Folge 20, Staffel 1, Episode 20
The Trouble with Doubles
Alemania título: Ärger im Doppelpack
Título original: The Trouble with Doubles
Komödie – Estados Unidos de América
Año de producción: 2010
Duración: 25 minutos
Dirección: Eric Dean Seaton
Guionista: Lisa Muse Bryant
Fotografía: John Simmons
Música: Jamie Dunlap
Boomer and Brady discover Vault 14, a secret vault which protects Kinkow’s most mysterious and powerful artifacts including Duplicatus Plantus, a plant that copies anything it touches. The kings make clones of themselves and while they go surfing, they send their doubles to the Kalooki Island Peace Summit. Filling in for the brothers, the clones impress Mikayla, the island dignitaries and the other Kinkowians with their intelligence, hygiene, and professionalism. However, when Brady and Boomer overhear the clones’ ultimate plan to takeover, the kings must figure out how to get rid of their doubles and take back their kingdom.
Chicos actores
Fecha de nacimiento: 17.05.1996
Edad del actor:
sobre 14 año
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