Folge 40, Staffel 4, Episode 1
The Tale of the Renegade Virus
Alemania título: Die Geschichte vom rebellischen Computervirus
Título original: The Tale of the Renegade Virus
Título alternativas:
Die Geschichte vom rebellischen Computer-Virus
Mysteryserie – Kanada
Año de producción: 1994
Duración: 25 minutos
Dirección: Ron Oliver
Simon’s latest prank in a series played between him and his brother Evan goes too far when Evan is late for school, but he seems to have forgiven him. He even lets Simon have the first chance to try out a new virtual-reality program both have been waiting to try. But instead of experiencing fencing, Simon finds himself trapped in a world where he must outwit an intelligent computer-virus. The virus has reprogrammed the system so that if Simon doesn’t get out of the lifelike setting, where nothing works in his favor, it will take over his brain to wreak havoc outside the computer.Chicos actores
Fecha de nacimiento: 19.06.1982
Edad del actor:
sobre 12 año
Fecha de nacimiento: 03.10.1980
Edad del actor:
sobre 13 año
Fecha de nacimiento: 01.01.1980
Edad del actor:
sobre 14 año
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