Folge 75, Staffel 6, Episode 10
The Tale of Oblivion
Alemania título: Die Geschichte vom Reich der verschwundenen Dinge
Título original: The Tale of Oblivion
Mysteryserie – Kanada
Año de producción: 1998
Duración: 25 minutos
Dirección: Jim Donovan
While in Sardo’s magic shop, Max buys an eraser and pencil, then discovers they’re magical when the incorrect sketch of fruit he erases results in the model itself disappearing. Whatever he draws or writes down with the pencil then erases is removed from Earth, so Max begins to use it to his advantage by erasing things he hates, like his piano and mean dog. But his sister Shelley, who he wishes to get more time away from, doesn’t believe him, and when he erases her, he has to erase himself and the tools to find and bring her back. It turns out that what is erased enters Oblivion, a place where a being named Kronos who originally claimed the tools destroys them once they’re within his reach.
Chicos actores
Fecha de nacimiento: 14.10.1985
Edad del actor:
sobre 12 año
Fecha de nacimiento: 02.01.1984
Edad del actor:
sobre 14 año
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