Folge 33, Staffel 2, Episode 13
The Bionic 500
Alemania título: Mein Haus, dein Haus
Título original: The Bionic 500
Fantasykomödie – Estados Unidos de América
Año de producción: 2012
Duración: 22 minutos
Dirección: Victor Gonzalez
Guionista: Chris Peterson, Bryan Moore, Ken Blankstein, Julia Miranda
Fotografía: Michael Franks
Música: Bert Selen
Noisy new neighbors (the Harringtons) impact the lives of the Davenport-Dooleys, racing their car up and down the street and across Donald’s lawn at all late hours. At school, their filthy rich son, Clayton, starts having his own way by paying off Principal Perry. Donald invites Pierce Harrington over to resolve their differences, but Pierce’s exceeding wealth matches his ego and arrogance. He’ll only settle their differences through a stock car race against Donald, with each other’s house as the winning prize. Discovering that Pierce isn’t above cheating, Donald allows the bionic teens to become his pit crew to level the playing field.
Chicos actores
Billy Unger(Chase Davenport)
Fecha de nacimiento: 15.10.1995
Edad del actor:
sobre 16 año
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