Folge 41, Staffel 2, Episode 21
Perry 2.0
Título original: Perry 2.0
Fantasykomödie – Estados Unidos de América
Año de producción: 2012
Duración: 22 minutos
Dirección: David DeLuise
Guionista: Chris Peterson, Bryan Moore, Ken Blankstein, Julia Miranda
Música: Bert Selen
Overhearing Leo and Chase complain about Mission Creek High being technologically far behind the times, Donald jumps in to help. The boys fear him keeping his ego in check – and, indeed, he does go too far by providing Principal Perry a robot duplicate of herself to help patrol the students. With the school board coming to approve of Robo-Perrys for every school, Chase decides to reprogram the robot, but doing so causes it to reset to its original militaristic programming – that of a rampaging annihilator. Meanwhile, Adam convinces Bree that Irish foreign exchange student Alistair could be an android like Marcus (or at least a leprechaun), so the pair tests the hypothesis multiple times, giving Alistair a very discomforting introduction to America.
Chicos actores
Billy Unger(Chase Davenport)
Fecha de nacimiento: 15.10.1995
Edad del actor:
sobre 16 año
Fecha de nacimiento: 09.08.1996
Edad del actor:
sobre 15 año
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