Folge 43, Staffel 2, Episode 23
Prank You Very Much
Alemania título: Rache ist süß
Título original: Prank You Very Much
Fantasykomödie – Estados Unidos de América
Año de producción: 2012
Duración: 22 minutos
Dirección: Victor Gonzalez
Guionista: Chris Peterson, Bryan Moore, Ken Blankstein
Fotografía: Michael Franks
Música: Bert Selen
Gramma Rose’ visit befalls a time of escalating pranks at the Davenports. Since Adam and Chase’s attacks upon each other have lately struck unintended targets (namely Bree), Donald secretly sides with her to combat them, leaving overprotective and demanding Grandma Rose, who only has eyes for Leo, free to put the kibosh on Leo’s celebration of the 150-day anniversary of Janelle first speaking to him. The situations converge when Rose gets injured in a prank, anchoring Donald as her personal 24-hour caregiver during recovery, but things really come to a head once a prank hits Tasha. Now the gloves come off to end the prank war.
Chicos actores
Billy Unger(Chase Davenport)
Fecha de nacimiento: 15.10.1995
Edad del actor:
sobre 16 año
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