Folge 51, Staffel 3, Episode 5
Neverending Summer
Alemania título: Der ultimative Sommer
Título original: Neverending Summer
Comedyserie – USA
Año de producción: 2014
Duración: 23 minutos
Dirección: Clayton Boen
Guionista: Catharina Ledeboer, Charlotte Owen
Gigi organized the Neverending Summer Party as farewell to summer vacation. Jax and the rest of the Rebel Witches and Wizards took their final test to graduate Boot Camp. The T3 are trying to find a way to bust the H2O of their pranks. Jax showed up at the party as a graduate from the Boot Camp making Emmma proud of him which caused Daniel to be jealous again. Mia transformed as Emma so she could trick Daniel of talking to her. Mia in the form of Emma kissed Daniel transferring the Spider Seal on him.
Chicos actores
Fecha de nacimiento: 20.09.2005
Edad del actor:
sobre 8 año
Louis Tomeo(Robert »Rob« Miller)
Fecha de nacimiento: 24.02.2002
Edad del actor:
sobre 12 año
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