Folge 33, Staffel 2, Episode 10
The Monster (1)
Alemania título: Denn du bist ein Mensch (1): Gefangen
Título original: The Monster (1)
Familienserie – Estados Unidos de América
Año de producción: 1985
Duración: 45 minutos
Dirección: Victor French
Guionista: Dan Gordon
Fotografía: Brianne Murphy
Música: David Rose
The two-part episode »The Monster« concerns the intertwining plot lines of Julian Bradley, a young artist with a facial deformity treated as a local »boogeyman« by the townsfolk, and Jonathan and Mark’s quadriplegic friend Scotty, now an attorney whose practice is failing (since nobody wants to hire a quadriplegic attorney) and whose marriage is also in danger of failing. When Julian meets Rachel, a blind girl, they fall in love, but an operation that may restore Rachel’s sight may also destroy Julian’s hopes.
Chicos actores
Fecha de nacimiento: 16.04.1971
Edad del actor:
sobre 14 año
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