Serie: The War at Home
Alemania título: Familienstreit de luxe – Hinterm Sofa an der Front
Francés título: La guerre à la maison
Título original: The War at Home
Familienserie – Estados Unidos de América
Produktionsjahr: 2005 bis 2006
Familienstreit de luxe – Hinterm Sofa an der Front
When Dave and Vicky were growing up, their parents had it easy. Back then, there were no time-outs, no one had any boundaries and their parents had no idea what their kids were really up to. Now Dave and Vicky have teenagers of their own, and anything their kids might even think about doing, Dave and Vicky have already done at least twice. But knowledge isn’t power, it’s a giant pain as every day is a battle to keep their kids in line. Fifteen-year-old Larry isn’t exactly a frequent diner at the cool kids table in the cafeteria, while 16-year-old Hillary is a know-it-all and is just emerging onto the dating scene. Meanwhile, thirteen-year-old Mike is all hormones and video games. Dave and Vicky figure if they can send these three off to college without a police record or kids of their own, they’ve done their job. This witty, irreverent show goes inside the heads of a modern family through the use of a confessional space where the characters reveal everything they could never actually say to one another.
Chicos actores
Dean Collins
(Mike Gold)
Fecha de nacimiento: 30.05.1990

44 episodios
Kyle Sullivan
(Larry Gold)
Fecha de nacimiento: 24.09.1988

44 episodios
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