Les Zintrus (Aliens in the Attic)
Titre allemand : Die Noobs – Klein aber gemein
Titre espagnol : Pequeños invasores
Titre grec : Εξωγήινοι στη Σοφίτα
Titre russe : Пришельцы на чердаке
Titre original : Aliens in the Attic
Titres alternatifs :
Пришълци на тавана | Exogiinoi sti sofita | They Came from Upstairs | Des extraterrestres dans le grenier | Die Noobs – Klein, aber gemein
Film d’aventure – Le Canada, États-Unis d’Amérique
Année de production : 2008
Durée du film : 86 minutes
Réalisateur : John Schultz
Livre : Mark Burton, Adam F. Goldberg
Caméra : Don Burgess
Musique : John Debney
Description du film :
It all starts as a meteor shower rockets across the dark galaxy. Four glowing pods sparkle and crackle while hiding behind the meteor show. A mysterious force makes the meteor shower turn a hard right towards a bright blue ball in the distance – planet Earth.
In a comfortable suburban house in Michigan, Stuart Pearson and his wife Nina head a family that includes adorable seven-year-old Hannah; 15-year-old Tom, a techno-geek whose grades have gone south; and big sister Bethany, who’s just returned from a secret outing with boyfriend Ricky Dillman. Deciding the family needs some good old-fashioned togetherness, Stuart packs up the clan and heads to a three-story holiday house in the middle of nowhere. Joining them is Uncle Nate, Nate’s son Jake, dear old Nana Rose, and identical 12-year-old twins Art and Lee. An unexpected arrival is Bethany’s beau Ricky, who wrangles an overnight visit with the extended family.
As day turns to night, dark storm clouds start swirling around the house. Suddenly, four glowing objects shoot toward the roof. The alien crew inside the objects is made up of Skip, the tough commander, Tazer, a muscle-bound dude armed to the teeth, Razor, a lethal female alien soldier; and Sparks a geeky four-armed techie, who is the only non-threatening alien intruder. Ricky is placed under the spell of the aliens, courtesy of a high-tech mind-control device and plug implanted into the base of his skull; Ricky’s mind and actions now belong to the alien crew. The alien »Zirkonians,« via Ricky, lay claim to the planet. Like a puppet/robõzombie, Ricky moves towards the boys – but Tom and Jake break free. It isn’t long before all five kids see the strange new arrivals. Tom takes charge and the kids come to realize the alien mind control device only works on grownups, giving them a fighting chance against the invaders – and the responsibility to protect the adults by keeping the aliens’ existence a secret. Left to their own devices, the kids unleash their imaginations, creating makeshift weapons, like piping ingeniously rigged as a home made potato spud gun. They even learn to use the mind controller. First order of business: taking control of Ricky – and turning his robõzombï idiot actions against himself and the aliens. The adults remain oblivious to the alien presence and figure the kids are being ... kids ... and insist that the youngsters partake in a fishing expedition. Meanwhile, a touching friendship is struck between Hannah and Sparks, the friendly alien with four arms and hands. Unlike his alien cohorts, Sparks has no stomach for battle; he just wants to return home to his Zirkonian family.
Nana Rose comes under the spell of the alien mind control device, which gives her super-human powers. She comes to the kids’ rescue – and into a battle with Ricky, who is again under alien control. Nana Rose gives Ricky a huge jolt causing the alien plug to dislodge. Skip joins the kids fight and uses his four arms relentlessly creating devices that eventually help the kids fight on.
Garçons acteurs
Anniversaire : 04.09.1991
L’âge de l’acteur :
d’environ 16 ans
Austin Butler(Jake Pearson)
Anniversaire : 17.08.1991
L’âge de l’acteur :
d’environ 16 ans
Plus d’informations
Kommentare zum Film
Ich habe mir eine geniale Eselsbrücke ausgedacht, wie man die Zwillinge unterscheiden kann. Man geht immer alphabetisch vor. Bei den Schauspielern kommt Henri Young vor Regan Young (so auch im Abspann). Bei den Rollen kommt Art vor Lee. Und schließlich, wobei man sie am besten auseinanderhalten kann, sind die T-Shirts (da es sich im Film alles nur an einem Wochenende abspielt): grün kommt vor schwarz.
Ce film a été enregistré dans la liste des films par sandy !
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