Folge 34, Staffel 2, Episode 14
Bionic Showdown (1)
Titre allemand : Wahre Helden (1)
Titre original : Bionic Showdown (1)
Comédie de fantaisie – États-Unis d’Amérique
Année de production : 2012
Durée du film : 22 minutes
Réalisateur : Victor Gonzalez
Livre : Chris Peterson, Bryan Moore, Ken Blankstein
Caméra : Rick F. Gunter
Musique : Bert Selen
Description du film :
Adam, Bree and Chase chafe at Donald’s persistent criticism of, and lack of praise for, their successful mission efforts – but a more serious problem arises when Douglas (Donald’s long-thought-dead younger brother) returns with a vengeance. Kidnapping Donald with Marcus’ aid, they force the bionic teens to come to them. Leo, finally vindicated for having said Marcus was evil the whole time, can now also reveal that Marcus has bionics to match Adam, Bree and Chase. Nonetheless, the bionic teens infiltrate the Douglas and Marcus home where they face an unnerving discovery – Donald wasn’t upfront about their past.
Garçons acteurs
Billy Unger(Chase Davenport)
Anniversaire : 15.10.1995
L’âge de l’acteur :
d’environ 16 ans
Plus d’informations
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