The Number 23
Γερμανικά Τίτλος: Nummer 23
Γαλλικά Τίτλος: Le nombre 23
Ρωσική τίτλος: Роковое число 23
Πρωτότυπος τίτλος: The Number 23
Thriller – Η.Π.Α.
Έτος παραγωγής: 2006
Διάρκεια: 98 λεπτά
Σκηνοθεσία: Joel Schumacher
Σεναριογράφος: Fernley Phillips
Κάμερα: Matthew Libatique
Nummer 23
On his birthday, Walter Sparrow, an amiable dog-catcher, takes a call that leaves him dog bit and late to pick up his wife. She’s browsed in a bookstore, finding a blood-red-covered novel, a murder mystery with numerology that loops constantly around the number 23. The story captivates Walter: he dreams it, he notices aspects of his life that can be rendered by »23«, he searches for the author, he stays in the hotel (in room 23) where events in the novel took place, and he begins to believe it was no novel. His wife and son try to help him, sometimes in sympathy, sometimes to protect him. Slowly, with danger to himself and to his family, he closes in on the truth.
Αγόρι ηθοποιούς
Logan Lerman
(Robin Sparrow)
Γενέθλια: 19.01.1992

Ηλικία του ηθοποιού:
περίπου 14 χρόνια
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