Folge 37, Staffel 2, Episode 17
Γερμανικά Τίτλος: Ein ungebetener Retter
Πρωτότυπος τίτλος: Avalanche
Fantasykomödie – Η.Π.Α.
Έτος παραγωγής: 2012
Διάρκεια: 22 λεπτά
Σκηνοθεσία: Victor Gonzalez
Σεναριογράφος: Chris Peterson, Bryan Moore, Ken Blankstein, Mark Brazill
Κάμερα: Rick F. Gunter
Μουσική: Bert Selen
Donald needs cytanium to fuel his new cryo-blaster (a freeze gun), but the only source comes from Antarctica, which is about to get hit by a mega-storm. Though Chase believes they can succeed in time, Donald calls off the mission for their safety. Already chafing at being the least-considered of the bionic teens, Chase heads off on his own and becomes buried in an avalanche. To his surprise, rescue comes from his biological father, the evil Douglas Davenport. Spelling out slights they have in common, Douglas invites Chase to join him, in exchange for abilities matching those of Bree and Adam. Meanwhile, Leo, in trying to show off for Janette (who’s come over for a study session), freezes her with Donald’s new cryo-blaster and hopes desperately to thaw her out before Tasha and the others find out.
Αγόρι ηθοποιούς
Billy Unger(Chase Davenport)
Γενέθλια: 15.10.1995
Ηλικία του ηθοποιού:
περίπου 16 χρόνια
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