Folge 9, Staffel 1, Episode 9
Hey, Good Looking
Πρωτότυπος τίτλος: Hey, Good Looking
Comedyserie – Η.Π.Α.
Έτος παραγωγής: 2013
Σκηνοθεσία: Cherie Nowlan
Σεναριογράφος: Peter Duncan, Peter Tolan, Sara Goodman, Richard Roxburgh, Charles Waterstreet
Κάμερα: Greg Gardiner
Keegan must defend his new client, Holly Phillips, who is charged with the death of her husband. But Keegan himself becomes the suspect in another death – the murder of Mayor Barzmann. Meanwhile, Maddy has had enough of Bruce stalking her, and Ben and Scarlet argue over their loyalty to Keegan.
Αγόρι ηθοποιούς
Γενέθλια: 01.06.2003
Ηλικία του ηθοποιού:
περίπου 10 χρόνια
Περισσότερες πληροφορίες
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