Китайские ворота (China Gate)
Немецкое название: China-Legionär
Французское название: Porte de Chine
Испанскийназвание: Corredor hacia China
Греческое название: Οταν ξημεροσε η μεγάλη μέρα
Оригинальное название: China Gate
Альтернативные варианты названия:
Otan ximerose i megali mera
Военный – США
Производственный год: 1956
Продолжительность фильма: 97 минут
Режиссура: Samuel Fuller
Краткое содержание:
The film concerns the battle between the Vietnamese and the Chinese, through the efforts of a small band of soldiers to locate and destroy a hidden communist arms depot. Gene Barry stars as Sgt. Johnny Brock, the cynical leader of the patrol, who is an American Korean War veteran. Leading the expedition to find the munitions dump is the half-Asian Lucky Legs, Brock’s ex-wife. One of Brock’s less-endearing qualities is his rabid racism – he can’t accept the fact that their five-year-old son is completely Oriental in appearance. The other members of the patrol are also haunted by past memories – Goldie is a veteran of Korea and World war II who hates war and wants to see peace at all costs; Corporal Pigalle is an ex-French gendarme who doesn’t like taking orders; and Private Andreades, is a hard-nosed Greek expatriate. When the patrol arrives at the compound, they are greeted by Major Cham, the communist commander who immediately falls in love with Lucky Legs – complicating the situation immensely.
Мальчик Актеры
Warren Hsieh(The Boy, 6 лет)
День рождения: 19.03.1951
День смерти: 21.02.2009
Возраст актёра:
около 5 лет
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