Boy Who Caught a Crook
Испанскийназвание: El niño que capturó al ladrón
Оригинальное название: Boy Who Caught a Crook
Kriminalfilm – США
Производственный год: 1961
Продолжительность фильма: 72 минут
Режиссура: Edward L. Cahn
Краткое содержание:
One day a small newsboy and his old hobo friend, The Colonel, find a briefcase in an open lot. The old man opens it privately and tells the disappointed boy that it is empty. Later, the lad learns from a radio broadcast that the briefcase was used in a $100,000 robbery; and Laura, the boy’s widowed mother, insists that he turn over the briefcase to the authorities. After notifying the police, the boy is accosted by the robber, Rocky Kent, who accuses him of stealing the money and forces him to lead the way to The Colonel’s house. In an effort to save the boy from harm, The Colonel says that he took the money and offers to lead Kent to the hiding place. Returning home, however, the boy learns that the money was found in the possession of a drunken tramp; and, realizing that The Colonel lied to save him, the boy leads the police to The Colonel and Kent. The robber is apprehended, and the boy and the hobo receive a $1,000 reward.
Мальчик Актеры
День рождения: 16.01.1949
Возраст актёра:
около 12 лет
Дополнительную информацию
Dieser Film wurde von Franz-Josef in die Filmliste eingetragen!
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