Alarm at the Circus (Alarm im Zirkus)
Оригинальное название: Alarm im Zirkus
Kriminalfilm – ГДР
Производственный год: 1953
Продолжительность фильма: 83 минут
Режиссура: Gerhard Klein
Сценарист: Wolfgang Kohlhaase, Hans Kubisch
Краткое содержание:
Two boys from West Berlin, Klaus and Max, live in poverty. Their dream is a career in boxing, and they save every penny in order to buy boxing gloves with which to train. Nevertheless, it does not suffice. And so they let themselves be hired by the bartender Klott (Erwin Geschonneck) for a twisted scheme. By happenstance, Klaus overhears one of Klott’s conversations in which he learns that he is intended to participate in a horse theft at the East Berlin Barlay Circus, where he just found some new friends. He is outraged and thus aids the execution of an adventurous intervention to obstruct the theft.Мальчик Актеры
День рождения: 30.03.1939
Возраст актёра:
около 14 лет
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