Немецкое название: Zeitsprung Оригинальное название: A Stitch in Time
Альтернативные варианты названия: Gestern wird heute
Science-Fiction-Serie – США Производственный год: 2011 Продолжительность фильма: 45 минут
Режиссура: Jon Cassar Сценарист: Simon Barry, Andrea Stevens, Floyd Kane, Jonathan Walker (Jonathan Lloyd Walker), Jeremy Smith Оператор: Joel Ransom Композитор: Jeff Danna
Краткое содержание:
In the year 2077, 8 terrorists from the group Liberate manage to avoid execution by transporting themselves to 2012. In doing so however, they also transport Kiera Cameron, a law enforcement officer. Soon after her arrival, she gets into contact with Alec Sadler, the inventor of technology that will control future society. One of the terrorists, Lucas Ingram, is arrested soon after their arrival, but the remainder arm themselves and hope to blend into society while carrying out their agenda: to start a war. They begin stealing arms and robbing banks and Kiera works