Folge 42, Staffel 2, Episode 20
Close Encounters of the Bird Kind
Немецкое название: Unheimliche Begegnung der Bird-Art
Оригинальное название: Close Encounters of the Bird Kind
Comedyserie – США
Производственный год: 2013
Продолжительность фильма: 20 минут
Режиссура: Lev L. Spiro
Сценарист: Dan Fogelman, Brian Donovan, Ed Herro
Оператор: Bruce M. Pasternack (Bruce Pasternack)
Композитор: Siddhartha Khosla, Christopher Koch (Chris Koch)
Краткое содержание:
It’s been a year since Larry Bird defied his father and kept the Zabvronians on Earth. His dad is still annoyed about all that, and he’s decided to send someone in to get things done. Larry’s preoccupied with proving to his father that he’s making the most of it, but Jackie feels neglected, and starts seeing a therapist. She’s got something on her mind, and she decides she must tell Larry. Debbie and Marty’s bowling team is in the semi-finals. Debbie loves bowling. She’s also awful at it. The rest of the team tells Marty to kick Debbie off the team. She’ll be a liability in the finals. He agrees to tell her ... and then uses every excuse he can think of to avoid the task. Meanwhile, Dick, annoyed by the immature behavior of Max and Abby, rounds up Joel Stein, Lawrence O’Donnell, and Bill Nye the Science Guy for a roundtable on today’s hot topics. But are wet willies and farts really that bad?
Мальчик Актеры
День рождения: 11.11.2002
Возраст актёра:
около 10 лет
День рождения: 18.08.2003
Возраст актёра:
около 9 лет
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