Folge 2, Staffel 1, Episode 2
Country Girls
Немецкое название: Der erste Schultag
Оригинальное название: Country Girls
Familienserie – США
Производственный год: 1974
Продолжительность фильма: 45 минут
Режиссура: William F. Claxton,
Сценарист: Juanita Bartlett
Оператор: Haskell Boggs
Композитор: David Rose
Краткое содержание:
Mean Nellie Oleson snubs Laura and Mary for wearing homespun dresses on their first day at school and, when Laura later complains, Caroline reminds her to be kind to Nellie to win her friendship. But Caroline forgets her own wise words, loses her temper with Nellie’s haughty mother, store owner Harriet Oleson, and impulsively buys dress fabric she can barely afford. Later, Laura struggles to write an essay for the Visitors’ Day program and Caroline must decide what to do with the expensive fabric. When Visitors’ Day arrives, their love for each other helps both mother and daughter solve their problems.
Мальчик Актеры
Jonathan Gilbert
(Willie Oleson)
День рождения: 10.07.1968

Возраст актёра:
около 6 лет
Robert Hoffman
(Sandy Kennedy)
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