Серия: Континуум
Оригинальное название: Continuum
Science-Fiction-Serie – США
Produktionsjahr: 2011
Краткое содержание:
In the year 2077, 8 terrorists from the group Liberate manage to avoid execution by transporting themselves to 2012. In doing so however, they also transport Kiera Cameron, a law enforcement officer. Soon after her arrival, she gets into contact with Alec Sadler, the inventor of technology that will control future society. One of the terrorists, Lucas Ingram, is arrested soon after their arrival, but the remainder arm themselves and hope to blend into society while carrying out their agenda: to start a war. They begin stealing arms and robbing banks and Kiera works with local police Carlos Fonnegra to track then down. An attack on the local police station frees Ingram.
In 2077, Edouard Kagame’s illegal opposition movement Liberate’s attempt to overthrow the Corporate Congress, which eclipsed all democratic institutions, leads to the first death sentences in 16 years. During the public execution, a device is smuggled in which allows them to travel back in time, not six years as planned but 60. Arrogant cop Kiera Cameron, an arresting specialist, who tried to prevent the yet unidentified device being used is dragged along. While the terrorists hook up with ’ancient’ gangs, Kiera makes accidental radio-contact with future technology tycoon Alec Sadler, still a barn-lodging country-boy, and is invited to collaborate unofficially with the Vancouver police by detective Carlos Fonnegra.
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