Серия: That’s Just Rodney
Английское название: Rodney
Немецкое название: Rodney
Оригинальное название: That’s Just Rodney
Альтернативные варианты названия:
That’s My Rodney / That’s Just Rodney
Familienserie – США
Produktionsjahr: 2004 bis 2005
Краткое содержание:
Stand-up comedian Rodney Carrington would like to take you to the middle of real, everyday America. In the tradition of »Home Improvement« and »Roseanne« comes a down-to-earth guy’s guy who, with his own heartland intelligence, speaks the truth. Rodney is quitting or getting fired from jobs he hates while doing stand-up in dive bars at night. He may not have much money, but he still finds excitement. He’s not afraid to walk into a department store naked on a dare. Not afraid to take credit for flowers someone else sent his wife. Not afraid to get between his fighting boys. Not afraid to tell his wife he wants to make stand-up his career. He’s going to figure out how to find happiness while being the best damn husband, dad and son he knows how to be.
Мальчик Актеры
Oliver Davis
(Jack Hamilton)
День рождения: 24.05.1993

45 серий
Matthew Josten
(Bo Hamilton)
День рождения: 08.09.1997

45 серий
Billy Welch
2 серии
1 Серия
Chase Ellison
(Danny Dunston)
День рождения: 22.09.1993

1 Серия
Kai Imazu
1 Серия
Drake Johnston
День рождения: 27.03.1995

1 Серия
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